Stanislaw Chouchkievich entered politics in 1990 when he was elected deputy to the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Byelorussia , of which he became interim president on,在尼古拉·迪门采夫被解雇后。这next, he was elected head of the Supreme Council and became Head of State following the proclamation of the independence of the Republic of Belarus, a few weeks after the failure of the Moscow putsch against Mikhail Gorbachev which precipitated the end of the USSR .
领导一个现已独立的国家,斯坦尼斯瓦夫·乔奇基耶维奇(Stanislaw Chouchkievitch)发起了第一波私有化2并试图推行与西方而不是与俄罗斯的和解政策,但遇到了亲俄政治阶层的敌意。这, 在亚历山大·卢卡申科 (Alexander Lukashenko ) 的一份报告指责他在国家元首3处腐败之后,代表们投票支持罢免他担任最高委员会主席。不久之后,一部新宪法获得通过,他还是决定参加 7 月的总统选举。He won 10% of the vote, far behind the 45% of Lukashenko who was elected in the second round.
Kravchuk is elected deputy of the Rada of Ukraine (Parliament) in在Yampil 39号选区(文尼察地区)。这之后,他成为乌克兰苏维埃社会主义共和国最高委员会主席。从 1990 年到 1991 年,他担任 Rada 主席。1991 年春天,戈尔巴乔夫试图重建一个苏联联邦国家,但遇到了乌克兰官员认为令人望而却步的困难。乌克兰的独立似乎不可避免,克拉夫丘克支持民族主义事业。这,他宣布退出苏联共产党(CPSU)。